Collect payments for meals, clubs, trips, uniform and more
Parents can securely pay for school items online at a time convenient for them.
Manage school dinners
- Full cashless till integration for secondary schools
- Stand-alone flexible cashless solution for schools
- MIS/attendance options
- Pre-Order Menu selections
- Parents can see full meal information online
Collecting other income
- Manage your school trips and clubs in easy to use flexible areas
- Revolutionise payments to collect donations / fundraising, extra-curricular / music lessons, lettings, school equipment, uniform & PE, Clubs / wraparound care, holiday clubs with an online shop
Integrated parental communication
Send payment alerts or school messages by text or email to parents. ParentPay includes a communication system so the school office can easily send out important information and updates to parents.
ParentPay Useful Links:
Please click the links below for further support: