
Positive Behavior Policy and Restorative Approaches

At Richmond Park, we are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment where every student feels safe, supported, and valued. Central to our approach is our Positive Behaviour Policy, which emphasises promoting positive behaviours and providing support to address any challenges that may arise.

Key Principles of Our Positive Behavior Policy:

  1. Clear Expectations: We believe in setting clear expectations for behaviour and promoting a shared understanding of our school values. Students are encouraged to demonstrate respect, responsibility, and kindness in their interactions with others.
  2. Recognition and Reinforcement: We actively recognise and celebrate positive behaviours through praise, rewards, and acknowledgment. By highlighting and reinforcing desirable behaviours, we encourage students to make positive choices and contribute to a positive school climate.
  3. Consistency and Fairness: Our behavior management practices are applied consistently and fairly to all students. We strive to create a supportive and equitable environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed.
  4. Restorative Approaches: In instances where conflicts or incidents occur, we employ restorative approaches to resolve issues and repair harm. Restorative practices focus on repairing relationships, building empathy, and fostering accountability among all parties involved.

Implementing Restorative Approaches:

Restorative approaches are integrated into our school culture and community through various strategies, including:

  • Restorative Circles: Circles provide a structured opportunity for students to engage in dialogue, share their perspectives, and resolve conflicts collaboratively. Participants have the opportunity to listen, learn, and work together to find mutually agreeable solutions.
  • Restorative Conferences: Conferences involve bringing together individuals affected by a conflict or incident to discuss the impact of their actions, express their feelings, and collectively develop a plan for moving forward. Facilitators guide the process to ensure that all voices are heard and that agreements are reached respectfully.
  • Restorative Practices in the Classroom: Teachers incorporate restorative practices into their classroom management strategies, fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and responsibility. By promoting positive relationships and communication skills, students learn to navigate conflicts constructively and build a sense of community.

Join Us in Promoting Positive Behavior

We invite students, parents, and staff to join us in promoting positive behaviour and embracing restorative approaches as part of our school community. Together, we can create a supportive and inclusive environment where every individual feels valued and empowered to succeed.

You can find more information about our Positive Behaviour Policy and restorative practices within the policy area of our website.

Thank you for your partnership in fostering a positive school culture at Richmond Park!

ClassDojo Behaviour System

Parents, to access your ClassDojo account, please click the link above and enter your log-in details. If you’ve not received your log-in details yet, please contact our school office and they’ll be happy to help you get set-up.

We believe in promoting positive attitudes to learning and behaviour at Richmond Park School, therefore we’re using a website called Class Dojo to track and monitor all of the wonderful traits your children display on a daily basis. Class Dojo is a website that allows teachers to give students immediate feedback and to share this with their parents/carers. Students get very excited when they are awarded points. Our school council created a 5-stage positive behaviour chart to coincide with our existing 5-stage consequence chart. Pupils are awarded between 1-5 points throughout the day based on these areas, including good work, teamwork, home learning, etc. These points then transfer into a range of individual rewards which children can redeem at the end of each half term:

One of the great features of Class Dojo is that it allows us to send you a “behaviour and skills report” every Friday by email (or you can check this at any point yourself during the week). Our hope is that this will bring the school and parents closer together, and help you better understand the progress of your child on a week to week basis. 

Students are also able to have their own account using a special code so they can customise their monsters avatars on their own!

I know you will be proud to see the great behaviours they are displaying, and in turn, if there is something they need to work on, you will be able to see that as well. To see your child’s progress, please follow the instructions on the Class Dojo form you should have received from your child, and enter your individual parent code on the Class Dojo app or website. This form also includes the student code for them to edit their avatars. Please respond to this form to confirm your account and then you’ll be all set up!